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2006-2010 Pastoral Retreat Topics and Speakers                                                                 Back

June 4-7, 2006

Rest, Reflection and Renewal

- Jan Johnson, a writer, speaker and spiritual director. She has written thirteen books, including Enjoying the Presence of God, When the Soul Listens, and Savoring God’s Word that form a trilogy on these spiritual disciplines: practicing God’s presence; solitude, silence, and contemplative prayer; and Scripture meditation. She also has written numerous magazine articles and Bible studies. As a retreat and conference speaker, she teaches about authentic spirituality and transformation into Christlikeness.


June 3-6, 2007

Pastor's Prayer Life and Healing Prayer

- Bill Vaswig, the Founder and President of Preaching and Prayer Ministries, a ministry dedicated to emotional and physical healing. An ordained Lutheran minister of Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, he is designated as an evangelist and is the author of I Prayed, He Answered and At Your Word, Lord. He is a member of Renovaré ministry team.


June 9-11, 2008

Dealing with Ministry’s Emotional Hazards

- Dr. Archibald Hart, senior professor of Psychology and Dean Emeritus of the Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California.


June 7-10, 2009

Vision Casting, Strategic Direction, and Silent Retreat

- FECA senior pastors and ministry project directors


June 6-9, 2010

Moving the Church Forward in Missions

- Dr. Douglas McConnell

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