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FECA has music internships to help students invest in their future vocation while they study and serve their local FECA churches.
Two types of internships are available:
- Student internships are for undergraduate college students who plan to be music majors.
- Minister internships are for music graduates preparing to become church ministers and attending seminaries or equivalent.
For more information, please contact
「聯會」提供音樂實習機會,幫助在學學生實習和服事「聯會」 教會的同時,為他們未來的職業作好準備。
- 學生實習 - 適用於計劃成為音樂專業的本科大學生。
- 牧師實習 - 適用於準備成為教會牧師和參加神學院或同等學歷的音樂專業畢業生。
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