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Spiritual Formation Ministry                                                                                   main page


Spiritual formation ministry focuses on the process of being conformed to the image of Christ by the gracious working of God's spirit for the glory of God and the world (II Corinthians 3:17-18). The life transformation is initiated and accomplished by the Holy Spirit, who guides the ongoing journey. Below are some highlights of this year:

  • Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life Training: We completed a cycle of Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life online from September 2020 to June 2021, and we are hosting a new process of Spiritual Exercises from September 2021 to June 2022 with trainers within FECA. One of the church member sisters shared her journey: "Spiritual Exercises have been of great help to me, to make my relationship with the Lord more and more close, and to keep me connected with God. I am very grateful for my spiritual director, who has helped me through this journey with love and patience, and who prayed for me every day and taught me how much God loved me, cared about me, and helped me understand God's heart."

  • Spiritual Formation Material Development:  We developed spiritual formation material based on the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (EHS) books. We translated the Daily Office component of the EHS material into Chinese. We also supplemented the Chinese Daily Office with additional meditation guides for each session. The Chinese Daily Office material was tested in the Arcadia Church Mandarin Sunday School with additional Lectio Divina teachings. A females-only small group gathering was also held based on the EHS books and Chinese Daily Office material. We pray that the material will be a blessing to the member churches.

  • FECA Marriage and Family Conference: FECA hosted a one-day conference in November focusing on looking at your marriage and family through God's eyes. The conference speaker, Gary Thomas, shared biblical teaching about the keyword "cherish" that changes everything for marriages and how to face our fears in parenting.



     靈命塑造事工著重於透過聖靈恩典的工作,為神的榮耀和世界而轉變成更像基督的過程(哥林多後書         3:17-  18)。生命的轉變是由聖靈在持續不斷的引導中發起和完成的。以下是本年度重要記事:

  • 「每日靈操」培訓: 我們在 2020 年 9 月至 2021 年 6 月結束了上一期線上「每日靈操」培訓,接著在2021 年 9 月至 2022 年 6 月與聯會內部訓練者舉辦新一期的培訓。其中一位聯會教會的姊妹分享她的旅程: 「屬靈操練對我有很大的幫助,使我和主的關係越來越密切,使我離不開神。我非常感謝我的屬靈導師,她耐心與貼心的陪伴我走過這段時間,她每天為我禱告,教導我讓我知道神是多麼愛我,在乎我,讓我明白神的心意。」

  • 靈命塑造教材的發展: 我們根據《情感健康靈命》(Emotionally Healthy Spirituality)書籍編寫了靈命塑造教材。我們將EHS材料中的每日靈課翻譯成中文。 我們也為每日靈課補充了額外的默想指南。 中文每日靈課的材料在亞凱廸亞羅省教會國語堂的主日學進行了測試,並增加了心靈禱讀的教學內容。一組姊妹小組聚會也使用情感健康靈命書籍與每日靈課中文材料。我們祈求這些材料能成為會員教會的祝福。

  • 聯會婚姻與家庭講座:聯會在11月主辦了為期一天的講座,講座重點是通過上帝的眼光來看你的婚姻和家庭。講員蓋瑞.湯瑪斯 (Gary Thomas) 分享改變婚姻的一個關鍵詞「珍惜」的聖經教導,以及如何在養育子女中面對我們的恐懼。


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